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Marco Houwen
Feb 27, 20243 min read
Gentle perseverance and its hidden powers.
How coincidence is guided by faith and perseverance.

Marco Houwen
Feb 12, 20243 min read
Is True Freedom an Inside Job?
"Freedom, as defined by Wikipedia, is the power to act, speak, and change freely, embodying liberty and the autonomy of self-governance."...

Marco Houwen
Jan 22, 20243 min read
When Inner Peace Creates Outer Success: The Journey of a Zentrapreneur.
As I faced the challenges of founding and scaling tech companies, I realised something was missing. This realisation, based on my...

Marco Houwen
Jan 8, 20243 min read
From Entrepreneur to Zentrapreneur: The Spiritual Evolution of Business.
Three years ago I shared my first insights about spiritually minded entrepreneurship in an article “The Zen of BEing before doing” (you...

Marco Houwen
Dec 10, 20232 min read
"Overcoming Self-Alienation: The Path to Authentic Living"
In today's fast-paced and technologically advanced world, the concept of authenticity has become increasingly elusive. We are constantly...

Nov 20, 20232 min read
"The Age of Intention: A New Era for Humanity"
In a future not far from our present, humanity found itself at a pivotal crossroads. The relentless pursuit of progress had led to...

Oct 31, 20232 min read
"How Halloween Reveals the Ghosts in Your Company Culture”
Today, as we celebrate Halloween and the tales of ghosts and hauntings come to life, we might find that our workplaces have their own...

Oct 22, 20233 min read
"From External Achievements to Inner Fulfilment: Another Perspective on Success"
How do we know if we are successful? .. and how do we measure success? Unfortunately, most of the time, we measure success by external...

Oct 21, 20233 min read
"The War for Talent is Over, Talent Won!"
The war for talent is over, Talent won! Says PwC US chairman, Tim Ryan. One might think that hiring people would be easy in today’s...

Oct 21, 20232 min read
"SPIRITUALITY: What is it really and how does it link to business?"
Short answer: EVERYTHING 🙂 But let me elaborate. For years I have been asking myself the question, how to talk about spirituality in...

Oct 21, 20233 min read
"Where Fear is Our Biggest Ally"
When I think back to the beginning of my zentrapreneurial journey, I recognize how often I asked myself the question: ‘is this the right...

Oct 21, 20233 min read
"Black Sheep, the true evolutionary power?"
In accordance to Oxford dictionary a black sheep is: A member of a family or group who is regarded as a disgrace to it. Were you ever...

Oct 21, 20233 min read
"The Forgotten Give and Take in Organisations."
In my previous article a couple of months ago, I delved into the challenges companies face in recruiting and retaining top-notch talent...

Oct 21, 20233 min read
"Why Work-Life Balance is a Whole Bunch of Barn Manure"
There are far too many consultants who pitch recycled tips about balancing our time between work and private life, including the benefits...

Oct 21, 20233 min read
"Why Peace Fighters Cannot Find Peace!"
The state of the world has taken a turn for the worse in the last weeks. Attacking sovereign nations has become possible again,...

Oct 21, 20233 min read
"The Zen of Being before Doing"
“It took me a perceived lifetime to finally find a way to combine my understanding of spirituality and entrepreneurship/leadership and to...

Oct 21, 20233 min read
"Are You Experiencing True Success?"
I grew up in the old paradigm of business. We had an innate understanding that success was a fixed goal to attain. To get there, the only...

Oct 21, 20232 min read
"The Two Way Street of Trust and Honesty"
"John, you need to have an open conversation with your boss," Christine advised her husband. For the past few months, John had been...
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